Alexander Medem directs: “Herr Mozart wacht auf” at the Theater Next Liberty, Graz

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart awakens in a location unknown to him as well as in a time that is also not his, as he realizes little by little. But the time turns out to be ours, and in this world full of “miracles”, there are lights that don’t use flame and thundering worms from hell (yes, the subway), it is a world in which everything is “prestissimo” and where everyone has heard of this “Mozart” but none recognize him.

Alexander Medem tells us this tale at the Next Liberty – Theater für Junges Publikum., Graz, in his staging of Eva Baronsky’s play “Herr Mozart wacht auf” (“Mr Mozart awakens”, based on her eponymous book).

Next Liberty Theater: Eva Baronsky, “Herr Mozart wacht auf”
Regie: Alexander Medem
2019: Jan. 19th 6:00 pm (première), runs through June 4th (Graz, Next Liberty Theater)

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